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PodcastEpisode 42
How Churches Should—and Shouldn't—Respond to Clergy Sexual Abuse
A step-by-step, survivor-focused approach to responding to clergy sexual abuse.
SBC Task Force Asks for ‘Ministry Check’ Website, Other Reforms to Stop Sexual Abuse
Churches and state conventions would not be required to use resources.
Are We Missing the Point of Matthew 18?
It’s about more than church discipline. It’s about flourishing community.
Hillsong Church Founder Brian Houston Resigns
(UPDATED) Top leader of global ministry leaves shortly after megachurch revealed a pair of investigations around inappropriate behavior.
Commérage ou dénonciation d’abus ?
Nos langues seraient-elles parfois trop retenues ? Dans la lutte contre certains abus, des chrétiens s’emploient à retrouver une distinction biblique entre commérages malfaisants et saine critique.
Abuse Keeps Flourishing in the Church. Here are Four Reasons Why.
From Ravi Zacharias to Mark Driscoll, we can trace a number of similarities between church leaders who abuse their power.
The Christian Peacemaker Who Left a Trail of Trauma
Judy Dabler built a career helping reconcile conflict within ministries including RZIM and Mars Hill. But a new investigation says she abused her authority to protect those with power.
Líderes bautistas de la iglesia Bethlehem se enfrentan por «mimos» y «cultura de la cancelación»
Un debate sobre la «empatía desconectada de la realidad» pone de relieve la forma en que los líderes salientes, incluido el sucesor de John Piper, abordaron temas candentes como el abuso y el debate racial.
Igreja Batista Bethlehem: líderes colidem sobre “superproteção” e “cultura de cancelamento”
Um debate sobre “empatia irrestrita” ressalta como os líderes que estão deixando sua função, entre eles o sucessor de John Piper, abordaram questões polêmicas como raça e abuso.
一场关于“无拘束的同理心”(untethered empathy)的辩论,突显出包括约翰·派博(John Piper)的继任者在内的一些出走的领袖们是如何处理种族和家暴等重要且敏感的问题。
Bethlehem Baptist Leaders Clash Over ‘Coddling’ and ‘Cancel Culture’
A debate over “untethered empathy” underscores how departing leaders, including John Piper’s successor, approached hot-button issues like race and abuse.
前馬爾斯山教會長老表示,馬克·德雷思科(Mark Driscoll)仍“不思悔改”,不適合做牧師
這位牧師以前所服事的教會的幾十位領袖要求他從三一教會(The Trinity Church)辭職,而那裡正在離開的會員們也表示了早已為人熟知的那些擔憂。
前马尔斯山教会长老表示,马克·德雷思科(Mark Driscoll)仍“不思悔改”,不适合做牧师
这位牧师以前所服事的教会的几十位领袖要求他从三一教会(The Trinity Church)辞职,而那里正在离开的会员们也表示了早已为人熟知的那些担忧。
Former Mars Hill Elders: Mark Driscoll Is Still ‘Unrepentant,’ Unfit to Pastor
Dozens of leaders from the preacher’s former congregation are calling for him to resign from The Trinity Church, where departing members are raising familiar concerns.
Por qué definir el chisme es importante en la respuesta de la Iglesia contra el abuso
¿Hemos domesticado demasiado la lengua? Los cristianos se esfuerzan por recuperar una comprensión bíblica de la crítica saludable en contraposición a los rumores dañinos.
Mengapa Mendefinisikan Gosip menjadi Penting dalam Tanggapan Gereja terhadap Pelecehan?
Apakah kita terlalu menahan perkataan kita? Usaha orang-orang Kristen untuk memulihkan pemahaman alkitabiah tentang desas-desus yang berbahaya versus kritik yang membangun.
SBC Polity Gives People in the Pews the Power to Stop Corrupt Leaders
This week at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, attendees will ask for change from the top. But regular members also bear responsibility.
Why Defining Gossip Matters in the Church’s Response to Abuse
Have we tamed the tongue too much? Christians work to recover a biblical understanding of harmful hearsay vs. healthy criticism.
L'humilité de faire face à des accusations d'abus
L'Église presbytérienne de Tates Creek s’est vue félicitée pour la transparence de son enquête. Puis elle a dû recommencer. 
A Kentucky Church’s Secret to Handling Abuse Allegations: Humility
Tates Creek Presbyterian won praise for its transparent investigation. Then it had to do it again.

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The Basketball Team Created to Represent God
The Basketball Team Created to Represent God
The Dallas Mavericks were intended to be the first Christian team in the NBA.

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